Victorian Hoof Care Services

Hoof Trimming Crush For Sale

Ensure Cattle Health and Productivity


The cattle or cows you own need special care and attention to prevent lameness. Lameness arises whenever an animal’s movement is hampered by leg or foot discomfort. Lameness is a productivity problem and a concern for animal health and welfare. Since animals may be hesitant to eat or drink owing to pain, lameness typically restricts development.

We at Victorian Hoofcare Services offer WOPA hoof trimming crush for sale to help all cattle owners facilitate the process of hoof trimming. Because a structurally healthy foot is less sensitive to bacteria housed in manure sludge, hoof trimming makes the cattle less prone to both structural and bacterial lameness. Hence, we offer high-quality hoof trimming crush for sale to keep your cattle’s health in good condition.

Rely on WOPA Hoof Trimming Crush for Safe and Stress-Free Hoof Care!


Victorian Hoofcare Services offers WOPA hoof trimming crush for sale, renowned for their simplicity of use, robustness, and safety precautions for animal care and hoof clipping. Further, as expert hoof trimmers, we’ve been employing these robust cow crushers for years since they allow our employees to work in a significantly more comfortable posture while keeping the cow calm and stress-free. In reality, our crew routinely trims hundreds of cows every day with much less strain and stress on our trimmers’ shoulders and arms, all while maintaining the convenience and protection of our employees and, obviously, the cows.

Hoof trimming is now safer and simpler. The major advantage is that farmers are more likely to treat lame cows sooner, resulting in faster recovery periods and lower lameness expenses. So cattle owners and farmers can rely on our WOPA hoof trimming crush for sale for trimming their cattle.

If you are looking forward to investing in Hoof trimming crush, reach Victorian Hoofcare Services for the best deal. Certainly, we are always available to take care of your cattle.


Our Services

Hoof trimming and training, bull hoof trimming, hoof trimming chutes and selling exquisite WOPA foot trimming crush machinery is what we excel at. Victoria Hoofcare Services are the utmost professional and prompt hoof trimming service devoted to client satisfaction and appreciation. Our services could not have been A-grade without the aid and assistance of immaculate WOPA machinery that solidifies our excellence and work well with cattle and bull species to ensure an accurate service that is mutually beneficial for both the animals and our clients. 


Our Dedication

Hoof trimming is our passion and we have extensive experience in a plethora of situations and hoof trimming projects. We constantly research methodologies and machinery that will assist us in performing our hoof trimming tasks efficiently, promptly and with long lasting results. WOPA machinery has surely propelled our excellence and has enables us to evolve our services. By incorporating technology within the industry, VHS have excelled competition and have stabilised their reputation as the leading hoof care service in Victoria. 


Our Pricing

Low prices, equitable packages and immaculate service! That is what we pride our success on over the years and we constantly ensure fully client satisfaction. If you keep cattle, then take advantage of our comprehensive hoof trimming service to ensure the health and well being of your cows. With a package to suit your needs and budget Victoria Hoofcare Services will always amaze. Contact us today and speak to one of our experts for your own personalised quote on our hoof care services Victoria.
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3375 Corangamite Lake Road, Cundare
North, VIC 3251 (Colac)
We are open 24/7

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